Wednesday, 14 March 2012

A Little Belief

Your beliefs are connected to your values and are yours. Everybody has a different set of beliefs about oneself although they may be close to another's they are unique and individual to you. They form an important part of the pattern in how you see yourself and how you view the world. Let's look at the belief of trust.

If you value trust you are likely to hold beliefs such as:-

  • People can be trusted
  • Very little need for rules 
  • People can manage their own schedules and productivity
  • Children will come home when they say they will
If however you place a high value on mistrust, you are likely to believe the opposite:-

  • Only fools trust each other
  • People are out to get me
  • I have to watch what you are doing because you can't be trusted
  • I have to phone my children when it's time for them to come home
The beliefs above come after a period of time, but it's amazing how little time is needed to form these beliefs. How many times does little Jennifer have to be late home from school before Mum starts to form the belief that "Jennifer is always late home from school?" How many times do you have to be ignored before you start believing that that person is uncaring? We are not saying that your belief structure is wrong or inappropriate, but, rather it is good to test them all the time. For once you have formed a belief it could become self fulfilling  in a way that people will behave as you expect them to. For example, if little Jennifer believes that Mum expects her to be late then late she will be. If you tell Jennifer that she is lazy she will prove you right. If a child is told they are no good at any subject they shall fail in that subject. These are limiting beliefs and holding onto these beliefs are like akin to going through life with blinkers you will only do and see what is expected of you. Because your beliefs are personal, you will defend them and seek evidence to justify them! One of my teachers told me I was no good at art. Guess what it is not my best subject and for years I used to tell people "I am no good at art" These installed beliefs can be removed sometimes by simply saying to oneself:- "My teacher told me I was no good at art but I know people enjoy viewing my art so I am good at it." Here is another example:-

  • Jason has the potential to develop into a great motivational leader
  • Jason will never be able to motivate anyone
I know which one I prefer, and I am sure you do

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