Saturday, 17 March 2012

The Secrets Behind Subtle Psychology

Have you ever been talked into doing something you afterward regretted? 

Have you ever stopped part way through a favor and thought - “Why am I doing this?” 

Chances are someone has used one of the techniques included here on you. 
They work at a subtle level and that's what makes them so powerful.

Discovering these strategies distinguishing them, and stopping yourself before it's too late takes knowledge.

One technique is applied by Telemarketers to get you to listen to them. Here is a subtle psychological technique named "Foot in the door". You get a phone call from a telemarketer. Generally they'd try to impress you with a grand sales line when you answer, but this time is unlike the others.

The second you answer they tell you that they are only doing a quick phone survey, one that would only call for 30 seconds. There was no personal data being gathered. All in all safe and anonymous and they are not attempting to sell you anything. You say 30 seconds didn’t seem like such a long time, so ok.

That is the beginning of the trap. They begin with little, guiltless inquiries:-

  • What is your age group? 
  • What is your business? 
  • Where do you go for vacations? 
These enquiries aren't intrusive, so you reply. Shortly they expand to some truly personal questions. Halfway through the survey, they assure  you there's only “one last question”. At the close of the interview, they thank  you and hangs up. The survey takes 5 minutes, and the data got very personal.

Someone phones to follow up a couple of days later and calls you by name. They seem  to be a friend. You believe it’s somebody you met but forgot.

Suddenly they reminds you of the first call, and congratulates you -you're among the lucky ten people to have qualified for a limited gift. You just have to attend a seminar which is in all likelihood a long, awful, sales pitch.

It 's then you realize you've been fooled - fallen for one of the most primary tricks social hucksters practice!

This technique is known, slightly informally, as the “foot in the doorstrategy”.

There are a lot of these subtle psychological techniques and you may not recognize when there are being used on you. As well, you may want to know how to use them for your own success. Learning about these could save you lots of headaches or bring you some success, but the first step is knowledge. Find out all you can about subtle psychological techniques. 

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